2025 MML Calendar Voting Form

Here is where you get to decide what the 2025 MML Calendar will look like...

Following are the pictures which have been submitted for consideration. The most popular vehicles will be in the calendar.

Each MML member gets to vote for their 13 favorite pictures. (You may choose less than 13 if you like, but if you choose more than 13, I will only count 13 of 'em) The pictures are listed below. Next to each picture is a checkbox. Click on that checkbox to select that particular picture. Once you have all of your choices selected, make sure your name and e-mail address are filled in, and hit the submit button. If you'd like to take a look at a larger version of a particular pic, clicking on it will pop up a separate window with that pic in it...

(Yes, its perfectly OK to vote for yourself.) :-)

The polls close Sunday 12/15 at 11:59pm PST Please be sure to vote before then!
Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:
Comments (optional):

















The MML Calendar